Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Good Parts

This morning while my husband took both girls to work with him for Take Your Child to Work Day, I had a few hours free so I decided to get some walking in.  However, due to the fact that it was miserable, cold and rainy outside, I chose to make a date with my old standby, the dreadmill.  The easiest thing to do to make sure I get those 2 hours (plus) of walking in, is to put a movie in the DVD player and watch. 

Our DVD collection is not very extensive, but one of my favorite movies is in there and don't laugh, it's The Devil Wears Prada.  I love Meryl Streep of course, but also, Anne Hathaway is fantastic in this movie.  Anyway, I picked the movie mainly because of the running time, which is 109 minutes.  I figured for the last 10 minutes or so I could watch deleted scenes or director commentary.  This is something I do not normally do, but needed to get the walking time in, so I figured I'd go for it.

When the movie was over I had only reached about six and a half miles, so I figured I would go to the extra features and watch the "gag reel."  To my surprise it was pretty funny!  One of the most surprising things about it was the fact that Anne Hathaway trips and falls quite a bit in those stilletto heels that her character has to wear.  In the final cut of the movie, even when her character was nervous and awkward you never saw her fall down.

One of the best things about movies is that you can edit out all the awkward, strange and embarrassing moments.  Wouldn't it be nice if you could do that, in life?  I have to say that it's not a subject that I think about all that much now that I am an "adult" but sometimes it would be nice.  I was an English major in college and I'm able to edit my writing and produce a final product.  But in life, well, there is never a final product.  Just a series of rough drafts that improve each time they are revised, but you are never really "done."  The previous sentence was a fragment.  I try not to let that bother me.

In life I would like to think most of us try to focus on the good parts.  I walked 7.25 miles today in just over 2 hours.  Not too shabby. 

Faith, Hope, And Love,


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